Thursday, May 26, 2016

OxygenOS 3.0.1 beta for OP2 now available for download

Nearly a couple of months after releasing Marshmallow-based OxygenOS 3.0 beta for the OP2, OnePlus has made available another beta community build - OxygenOS 3.0.1. It's not available over-the-air though (just like it was the case last time) - you have to download it from the company's website.;postID=6051143732251195374

"We appreciate everyone’s feedback from the first community build. With your help we have been able to better optimize the build and improve several key areas," OnePlus says on the build's download page.

As for the changes included in the update, the company lists enhanced Doze mode, improvements to the fingerprint sensor, addition of clear process in the recents screen for the option to remove background processes, new feature in recents screen to allow you to lock apps that you don’t want removed with clear all, as well as some bug fixes and improvements.

The build will also be rolled out OTA, although OnePlus doesn't exactly say when. More importantly, the company makes it clear that "this is the last update before the official OTA, which can be expected within the next couple weeks."

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